Poetry Timeout is a digital sanctuary.
You can scroll through my catalog of poems, photographs, and musings, search for a theme, or embrace synchronicity and let mystery be your guide.
However you explore, I invite you to reflect and connect!
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Unconditional Love
Unconditional Love (from Brainstorms) What would it taketo give myself a breakfrom the not good-enoughs,the voice inside that scoffs? What would you needto feel fully freedfrom the judgments you makeon the actions you take? What would it feel liketo love our...
Gesher (The Bridge)
Gesher (The Bridge) (from Pandemic Corona) Standing at the edge of a story,Fifty feet off the ground;I survey the field in front of me,Possibilities all around. The narrow bridge I stand onWill lead me on my way;Unfolding with each footstepI won’t be led astray At...
Coco Channel
Coco Channel (from Brainstorms) I can still smell my grandmother’s perfumeon one of the sweaters that I kept.Fourteen years later and I rememberlying on your bed in the morningswhile you drank coffee and juiceand smoked your morning cigarette. You found the streak in...
The In-Between
The In-Between (from Brainstorms) I can feel the seasons changingand I don’t like it.Not this time. I can feel it in the morning air on my armsurging me to turn back and grab a jacket.The chill feels too unfamiliar. I feel it in the gentle creases on my...
Rebel Flowers
Rebel Flowers (from Within My Illusions) There’s a voice inside my headThat says I’m wasting time,That I’m supposed to follow a straight lineAnd not spread myself out all over the place, That I stretch too far beyond my territory,That I’m not behaving the right...
Completion (from Brainstorms) I’ve been trying all dayto find the perfect words to conveythe ending to this story,the period at the end of the sentence,the chime that signifies completion. I turn to my usual tricks:meditation, my journal, a walk in the sticks.But my...
If Her Heart Were a Flower
If Her Heart Were a Flower (from Brainstorms) If her heart were a flower,it would never cease to bloom. Nourished by love from an endless spring,lilac and rose and aquamarine budswould sprout each dayon branches that reachever skyward to dancewith clouds and rainbows....
Imagine the Possibilities
Imagine the Possibilities (from Brainstorms) What a gift that we can begin again. Imagine the possibilities. I sit on the deck and listen to the birdssing their morning song,slightly differentfrom the day before. The sun peeks its headabove the tops of treesas...
Morning Cup
Morning Cup (from Brainstorms) Do you fill your cup with coffee?Or fill it up with tea?With all your mental anguish,Or possibility? Do you pour it out for othersLeaving nothing left for you?Steeped in good intentions,The result a bitter brew. Me, I fill my cup in...
Last Kiss
Last Kiss (from Brainstorms) standing silent,neither wanting to say goodbye,he slowly stretched his handsto hold her face. they had kissed before,but never like this,a slow, tender kissthat melted her heart into his.she reached for him and caughthis arms and held...
Tapestry (From Brainstorms) Our lives are woven together in moments of chance encounters, smiles and laughter, gestures and touches. Moments so brief, they seemed like nothing. But moments add up, and moments have meaning, just as each stitch is an integral part of...
The Path of a Butterfly
The Path of a Butterfly (from Within My Illusions) “There are no straight lines in nature,” he said,One hand pressed against the stained oak cabinet,His hip leaning on the polished granite counter.“There are no flat surfaces, no right angles.” How could I not have...
Walking Companion
Walking Companion (from Brainstorms) She surprised me on my walk tonightfor she did not show her faceuntil I was heading home. I had resigned myselfto gazing at the stars.What was it that compelledme to cross the streetat precisely the moment,so that when I turned to...
Sadness Comes In Waves
Sadness Comes In Waves (from Brainstorms) Sadness comes in waves,its triggers unpredictable. One day the sight of my daughterlaughing with her friends in dance classsent me over the edge. Sometimes it’s the feel of her hand in my grip,and the knowing I will need to...
Same Heart
Same Heart (from Brainstorms) I’ve heard that cellsfrom the same heartbeat in time,even when separatedby a hundred miles. I picture you,squinting barefootat the sea,blues and greens reflectedin your hopeful eyes,your crooked smilealmost lostin a parenthetical...
The Field
The Field (from Brainstorms) Someone is planting seeds all around me.I lie down in the barren field,close my eyes and count to ten. Nothing. I close my eyes again and listen.The airplane flying overhead.The gentle sway of distant tree limbs moved by the breeze.The...