Yale University (BA, English)
Harvard School of Public Health (Master of Science, Health & Social Behavior)
Neuroleadership Institute Foundations Course
Mindsight Institute Immersion Programs
Liberating Structures Facilitator Training
Prosocial World Facilitator Training
Kundalini Yoga
The Gene Keys
Sky Scholar Astrology
MWe Council (online, convened by Dr. Dan Siegel)
Poets & Friends, Austin, Texas
American Public Health Association
American Evaluation Association
Santa Monica Playhouse Young Professionals Company
Women’s Leadership Council (online, convened by Christine Arylo)
Women of Heartsong Choir, Austin, Texas
Kol Hakavod Ensemble, Temple Beth Shalom, Austin, Texas
The Garrison Institute Fellowship (Advisor)
The Center for Compassionate Leadership (Advisor)
The Sobering Center – Austin (Consultant)
NASTAD (Consultant)
Texas Department of State Health Services, WIC and HIV Programs (Consultant)
The University of Texas at Austin Health Innovation & Evaluation Team (Research Associate)
Harvard School of Public Health, Health Literacy & Injury Control Programs (Research Associate)
Massachusetts Department of Public Health Teen Dating Violence Prevention (Program Associate)
Citizen’s Schools (Teacher & Mentor)
Facing History and Ourselves (Development Associate)
books, songs, podcasts & movies:
Life of Pi, by Yann Martel
Here I Am, by Jonathan Safran Foer
The Wizard of Oz
The Imagination Gap, by Brian Reich
OnBeing Podcast with Krista Tippett
The Surrender Experiment, by Michael Singer
Dr. Bayo Akomalafe
Carrie Contey, PhD
Christine Arylo
Dr. Dan Siegel
Dr. David Hemenway
Gaylord Littenberg
Karol Kaye Harris, PhD
Katherine Torrini
Pamela Eakins, PhD
Dr. Rima Rudd
Virginia Rosenberg
Dr. Angel Acosta
Gloria Rabil
Hector Kriete
In Our Prime Improv
Jennifer Hritz
Justin Jagoda
Orlando Villaraga
Paul Matthews
Peter Dranga
Shana Pearlmutter
Sharon Zeugin
The Garrison Institute Fellows
Los Angeles, California
New York, New York
Boston, Massachusetts
Austin, Texas
if you want to learn more about me...