The Field

(from Brainstorms)

Someone is planting seeds all around me.
I lie down in the barren field,
close my eyes and count to ten.


I close my eyes again and listen.
The airplane flying overhead.
The gentle sway of distant tree limbs
moved by the breeze.
The hiss of air as it streams into my nostrils.

My mind is impatient.
It wants to see the results.
It wants to see the first green
sprouts emerge on the landscape,
the first physical evidence of life
buried within the soil.

I close my eyes and feel.
The warmth on my face.
The dampness of the Earth slowly seeping
through the clothes on my back.
A mosquito on my toe.
A deep peace coursing through my veins.

And through my closed eyes I finally see
That what is emerging will be magnificent.