Poetry Timeout is a digital sanctuary.
You can scroll through my catalog of poems, photographs, and musings, search for a theme, or embrace synchronicity and let mystery be your guide.
However you explore, I invite you to reflect and connect!
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Security Blanket
Security Blanket (from Within My Illusions ) When I was born,my grandfather gave me a blanket,soft flannel, quilted in satin,the color and feel of a pale, pink rose.Stitching in the centeroutlined the shape of a teddy bear.The border was edged in creamy white. When I...
The Trail Is Just a Suggestion
The Trail Is Just a Suggestion (From Within My Illusions) Hector and I met at a coffee shop.He was working and I was ordering, and a friendship formedover an unusual conversationabout the color pink. The first time Hector and I hiked together,I blocked off what I...
Don’t Mistake My Silence for Indifference
Don't Mistake My Silence for Indifference (from Brainstorms) Don’t mistake my silence for indifference.I need time to soak things in. Did you notice the waythe gilded frame around the frosted mirrorbehind the bar reflects more lightthan the mirror itself? The...
Shimmer (from Brainstorms) Last night the canyonwas filled with fireflies.I hadn’t seen themin almost a year. I sat and watched their showas though I was the onefor whom they glowed,as though I could understandtheir story. Sometimes little thingswill pop into my...
Freedom (from Within My Illusions ) I do not know what it feels liketo be trapped in my own skin,confined by a structurethat doesn’t seem to fit,resigned to getting through one more day,trying to make the best of it. I wouldn’t be able to describe the sensationof...
Preparing for Flight
Preparing for Flight (from Brainstorms) The geese are preparingfor their migration,teaching the young oneshow to fly in formation. Soon it will be time for themto move on from this place. But not today. Today they will stay.Today they will give their...
What She Wanted
What She Wanted (from Brainstorms) “This is what you wanted!”screamed letters on a tiny screen. As if she had a choice. As if it were a matterof deciding what to wearor what flavor of ice cream she preferred. As if someone had told her when she was small,“You...
Separately Together
Separately Together (From Within My Illusions) The butterfly flew across my windshieldthe moment you said the word“butterfly.” How could time regret what came before? My day disjointed,your missed appointment,that moment I hesitatedbefore walking out the door, landed...
Nordstrom (from Brainstorms) I was waiting at the end of a long lineto return something at Nordstromwhen a young woman came upand said she could help meat another register. Relieved that my wait was shortened,I complimented her coral skirt,which was light and...
Odd Things Humans Do
Odd Things Humans Do (as described by a human who does odd things) (From Within My Illusions) Put objects in boxeswith labelson high shelvesin closetsand pretendthat if they can’t see them,they don’t exist. Build fences around backyardsthen plant rosebushes in the...
Standing on the Parted Shore
Standing on the Parted Shore (from Brainstorms) the fear swells,like a wavein her chestas she stands at the edge of the water. she knowsthat the passage to the other sideis not as long or as deepas it looks from the surface. she only needs to takeonedeepbreathand...
Rising (from Brainstorms & Artwise Poetry Roulette Cards) We are all reaching toward higher space. Watch me as I rise in an ever-expanding spiral like the butterfly that crossed my path at the bottom of the hill. She emerged from the tall grass to my left. I...
Gratitude Is Like a Giddy Toddler
Gratitude Is Like a Giddy Toddler (From Within My Illusions) Have you ever seen something so beautifulthat you almost couldn’t stand it? Like it was a heroic effortto contain yourself,to refrain from jumpingup and down and shoutinglike a giddy toddlerwho...
Sunrise (From Within My Illusions) My favorite way to watch the sun rise is to look away and then back again. Change often happensslowly, imperceptibly,as long as I’m staringstraight at it. I might miss the subtle shifts from peach to blush to flame,the way the heavy...
The Space Between
The Space Between (from Brainstorms & Artwise Poetry Cards) In the space betweenyou & metwo circles intersect,and what meets in the middleis the essenceof our connection. The space betweenyou & meis a playground for our souls,filled...
Words I Love, in English
Words I Love, in English (written three times and used in a sentence) (from Within My Illusions) frisky frisky friskySnowball is frisky after a bath and hops around the deck like a kangaroo. tickled tickled tickledI was tickled by the boy saying, “When I have a...