Poetry Timeout is a digital sanctuary.
You can scroll through my catalog of poems, photographs, and musings, search for a theme, or embrace synchronicity and let mystery be your guide.
However you explore, I invite you to reflect and connect!
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On the Verge
Lost (from Brainstorms) A painter might notice these things: The way the water peaks slightlyover rocks beneath the surface. The way the willows blow in the wind. The way the birds dart up and downand over the bridge. The way the light hits the cloudsfrom different...
Lost (from Brainstorms) Clouds closed in.Fog so thick it seemed easierTo let myself become engulfedRather than try to climbTo higher ground. The peaks seemed farther awayEach dayI followed the pathThat led down instead of up. Did I have a choice?Lost.Lost myself.I...
A Poem About Spring
A Poem About Spring (from Within My Illusions) The birds are chattering outside my window again. A hundred thousand shades of green paint the canyonagainst a cloud-gray background. Signs of life emerging by the minuteAnd I had been burrowed so deepI didn’t see the...
Imprint (from Within My Illusions) When I was a little girland I got hurt, my mothertried to comfort me. Held in her embrace,tears veiled my face as I cried,“I want to go home.” Over and over and over again:“I want to go home.” “You are home,” she would say.“We are at...
Mystery (from Within My Illusions) Shealwayschooses themystery-flavoredlollipop, even whenher favorite, blueraspberry, issittingrightnexttoit.
Find the Joy Anyway (from Within My Illusions) Underneath the heavy weight of fear,The shoulds,The coulds,A path that seems unclear; Beneath the snowy winter of my mind,Where flowers droopAnd petals wiltIn space confined; A steady chant has quietly begun:Feed me.Water...
Gift Basket for a Compassionate World
Gift Basket for a Compassionate World (collaborative poem)
What Really Matters
What Really Matters (collaborative poem)
I Am Is a Complete Sentence
I Am Is a Complete Sentence I was just about to make my list of things to do,when I remembered that “I am” is a complete sentence.
Sometimes I Dance
Sometimes I Dance (from Brainstorms & Artwise Poetry Cards) Sometimes I dance in the moonlight,Soft in my skin,Fluid on my feet.Limbs brush through the cool night air,Painting new mapsIn this territoryBetween earth and sky. Sometimes I linger in the rain,As though...
Fractured | Reunited
Fractured | Reunited A wound was festering inside me,awakening me at 2amto sob for an hour. “Sob?” asked a friend. Yes, I replied, sobbing is essential.Cathartic.Release and relief.Without thoughts or stories.Intimate and pureAs the night sky. Opening my heart...
A Smile and a Wink
A Smile and a Wink (from Brainstorms) With a smile and a wink you touched my heart.And though our tales seem worlds apart, When we let our guards down,We find common ground. For beyond the outer frameWhat makes us human is the same: Our heart,Our divine spark,The...
Metamorphosis (from Brainstorms) I am a caterpillar growing too big for my skin.I feed on the world around me,moving slowly and deliberately,consuming more than I can hold,molting to make room for my body,ever expanding and increasing. I weave a tapestry around...
I Wanted to Tell You a Story
I Wanted to Tell You a Story (from Brainstorms) I wanted to tell you a storyas we sat under the tree,to share a piece of my heart,a glimpse inside of me. I mustered up the courage,dug deep inside my soul,putting together piecesto make the picture whole. I wove humor...
Find the Joy Anyway
Find the Joy Anyway (from Within My Illusions) He said, “Your job when you leave this roomis to not deny what’s happening in your life.Whatever shit is hitting the fan at any given moment,whatever pain or pressure you might feel, feel it.And find the joy anyway.”...
Filling in the Blanks
Filling in the Blanks (from Brainstorms) Studies show that most people,when looking at a familiar wordthat is missing a letter,interpret that missing letterand don’t notice that it’s not there. Most of our universe is spaceand yet I seeand perceive things to...