Poetry Timeout is a digital sanctuary.
You can scroll through my catalog of poems, photographs, and musings, search for a theme, or embrace synchronicity and let mystery be your guide.
However you explore, I invite you to reflect and connect!
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A Different Version of Me
A Different Version of Me (from Brainstorms &Artwise Poetry Cards) Perhaps you’d like to seea different version of me? Maybe sweet and silly,flirty and frilly,strong and stable,or adept and able? Could I be fiercely faithful,totally tasteful,shockingly shrewd,or...
Tipping Point
Tipping Point (from Sanctuary) I’m startled by this field of milkweed,which seems to have sprouted overnight. At first I thought,New growth; new life.But isn’t it the same lifeburied unseen for many months,now visible in an instant? Isn’t this the new growthof the...
Tuning to the Pulse of Love
Tuning to the Pulse of Love There is no greater doing than trusting in the universal flow of lifeand your connection to it. Trust your connection.Trust your intuition.Trust your embodied sense of timing. If doubt should ever enter your heart and mind,close your eyes...
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction (from Brainstorms) Do you try to find order in chaos,The calm in the eye of the storm?Do you search for the perfect solutionTo a problem that’s not yet been formed? If I stand in a room full of dominoesAnd knock over one with my toe,Should I try to stop...
Miracle (from Within My Illusions) Her name tag said “Miracle,” which seemed something lyrical. I asked how she got her name, though I could imagine the story even before she told it. I just wanted to see the way her face lit upAs she remembered who she was.
The Space of an Easy Mind
The Space of an Easy Mind (from Brainstorms) I sit down on the green metal bench.There must be someplace else I need to be right now,but I feel like a pause.And I know I will catch up with the day eventually. It’s quiet,except for the hum of energyfrom the buildings...
Primal Heart
Primal Heart (from Within My Illusions) For a brief glimpse of time,she was just the right sizefor me to hold in one arm. My fingers nestedher down-covered head,the heel of my hand restedin the fold of a necknot strong enough to supporta skull still forming. The pulse...
Letting Go
Letting Go (from Within My Illusions) I started in the garage—easy enough to clear the space where five-year-old paint waited to be taken to waste recovery. Into the closet, sorting socksand scarves and shirts,and finding joy in the growing pile of items to give away....
I Am
I Am the tree releasing,the leaves amber, bronze,and burgundy, the deer crossing the path,the human and canine looking on, the blue jay in the underbrush,the morning meal, the pen gliding,the page receiving,the ink weeping,the patterns emerging,the story revealing,...
How to Pack
How to Pack (from Within My Illusions) When there is no room left for love,When you have stuffed your bags so fullThat the zipper moans as you close itAnd the seams threaten to burst, When the weight of obligationPresses against your chestAnd the steady beat of...
The Trouble with Compassion
The Trouble with Compassion (from Within My Illusions) The trouble with Compassion is:she steals from Anger,who arrives with guns blazing,heart raging,searching for a place to aim,someone to take the blame.Compassion robs Anger of its target,sets it in slow orbitto...
Regret (from Brainstorms) I wish I would have held youjust a little longerin the momentthat you neededa connection. I wish I would have held youjust a bit tighterand allowedmy heartto soften. Instead I let my ego in,afraid of your rejection. When perhaps the truthis...
In the Looking Glass
In the Looking Glass (from Within My Illusions) I wish that you knewHow important you are. Not because of anything in particular,But just by being you,Your pure-hearted presenceAnd soft-spoken truth. I wish you understoodThat your strengthLies not in pushing...
Being the Way That I Am
Being the Way That I Am (from Within My Illusions) I was sitting on a bench by the river,enjoying a quiet moment between tasksand some time to myself. I was practicing a new way of seeing,relaxing my eyes until the ground appeared to pulselike a heartbeat. I was...
Parental Controls
Parental Controls (from Within My Illusions) I tell my dad that there are timeswhen I’m home doing the stuff –you know, the adulting stuff –and I look around and think,Where did all the grownups goand who left me in charge?He laughs and says that sometimeshe catches...
Do I cry my eyes to sleep?
Do I Cry My Eyes to Sleep? (from Brainstorms) “Do I cry my eyes to sleep?”asked the boy of himself.And something in the questionpointed at the girl. But how can this boy knowthe chaos behindthe silky locksand flirty frocks,the picture-perfect picket fences of her...