Poetry Timeout is a digital sanctuary.
You can scroll through my catalog of poems, photographs, and musings, search for a theme, or embrace synchronicity and let mystery be your guide.
However you explore, I invite you to reflect and connect!
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Same Old Tuesdays
Same Old Tuesdays (from Brainstorms) Tuesdays often feel the same. The morning routine:pack lunchesmake breakfasthopefully feed myself too. The drive to school:twists and turns on a country road,traffic backed up just a bitwhere the creek passes under the highway,and...
Praise and Grief | Call and Response
Praise and Grief | Call and Response Let this be bigger than you. In relationship to my relationship with Life,this prayer seems to be opening mein ways I don’t fully understand yet. Let this be bigger than you. In relationship to climate change,collapse,...
A Void That Contains Everything
A Void That Contains Everything (from Within My Illusions) In the deepest stillness there is movement.In silence there is sound. I sit in the saffron eyeof a daisy, encircledby its deep pink, velveteen rays.Outstretched.Outstretching.Open. Bees and butterflies dancean...
The Stag
The Stag (from Liberty) I walk here nearly every day,but today feels different. A quality in the air.A haunting stillness. Quiet amplifies the soundof birds—more than usual— splashing around the spot whereSnowball usually stops for water, their melodic play...
Paradox (from Within My Illusions) the way we make wishesby spreading the seedsof a weed. the way sunlight danceson water like rain,shimmers like firefliesbetween blades of grassthat grow in the lake.the blurred edge of land and water. the way rocks appear black and...
I Am Afraid to Start
I Am Afraid to Start (from Brainstorms) Fearing how the story will end,I am afraid to start.Does that ever happen to you? My mind spins a web of permutations,Frantic factorizations,Searching for the right combination,A Choose Your Own AdventureThat I can’t put...
Each Moment a Snapshot
Each Moment a Snapshot (from Within My Illusions) Light and shadow filterthrough the reflections of my memory, trying to recapture the detailsof a little girl’s laughfrom the way she reacheswith outstretched armsto offer a handful of seashells, zooming in on a...
Unraveling (from Brainstorms) In the beginning,there was love.And we saw that it was good. Our beginning held hopeas our paths entwined,allowing us to walkhand in handdown the road for a time. With a knot at one endrooting us,our strands wound tighterwith each of us...
Do You Ever Wonder
Do You Ever Wonder (from Brainstorms) Do you ever wonderwhat would have happenedif you had done something else? If you had opened your heartinstead of playing cool,or held back harsh wordsthat still linger on morning dew? If you had shifted your eyesto meet a...
Spring Cleaning
Spring Cleaning (from Within My Illusions) She held the dress close to her faceand breathed inthe memory. Salty lips,savory kiss,sandalwood essence lingering in her hair. And though she knew she would never wear it again,she placed the dress in the "keep" pile.
The Net
The Net (from Within My Illusions) “Never underestimate the importance of the net,”he tells me on the ride to school.Of course.The net. “The net has a huge impact on my shot.”That doesn’t make any sense,I think but don’t say. “Some nets are too thin,” he...
The Radical Mother Who Holds Us All
The Radical Mother Who Holds Us All Drink from my well, she tells me,And I will replenish you. Bathe in my waters,And I will embrace you. Let my fields caress your feet,The dew kiss your toesAs you stroll over the undulationsOf my landscape. Let the thick blanket of...
The Hummingbird and the Fly
The Hummingbird and the Fly The heat broke, so it seemed like a good ideato stand outside and stare into space.Specifically, the space between the treesabove the canyonat the level of my deck,maybe one hundred yards out.I’m not a good judge of distance. I practice...
Four Things to Remember
Four Things to Remember (from Within My Illusions) Four Things to RememberBefore Jumping Out of an Airplane(or doing something terrifying;or doing something exciting;or pretty much every day) Life is a gift.Anything is possible.It’s happening.Savor the unfolding....
Indescribable (from Within My Illusions) Why is the best part,The part I'd most like to write,Indescribable?
Trust (from Within My Illusions) "Do you trust in the flow of life?"was the question on the table, as if I would be able to providea straightforward answer, as if a simpleYes or Nowould suffice, as if it was easyto shed years of conditioninginsisting I had...