Life Can Be Funny

(from Brainstorms)


life can be funny this way:
the way the best and the worst are synchronized
so that the euphoric memory of new life
can rouse a surge of tears
as it is so intertwined with a moment
when the rug was pulled out
from underneath the façade.

life can be funny this way:
the way a person can arrive
during a time of deep despair
and bring in a joy so unexpected
that the wound suddenly doesn’t sting with such intensity
and the unknown doesn’t feel so frightening.

life can be funny this way:
the way love and rage and fear and gratitude
can circulate through me
as I laugh and cry at the same time.
and the way that comfort comes,
not only in the warm embrace of an other,
but in the still, cold silence of my self.

life can be funny.